Today I want to send you a few typical homeopathic pictures.

That means that when the symptoms I describe are clearly positive, then there is a fair chance that the mentioned homoeopathic remedy may work.
Normally, there is not just ONE homoeopathic remedy which may help a disease or a certain complaint.

But in certain cases. just a [few] special symptoms, often strange ones, may lead to the remedy.
If you’re looking for a remedy for headaches, for example. then you may find many tens of remedies. and it may be difficult to choose between them if you are not very experienced.
But an example of such a special remedy -as I describe in this mail-is Nat Mur which should be thought of when a stitching temporal headache gets worse when looking at a bright light
Below are a few other examples:

Arsenicum: For certain respiration problems, if coffee gives much relief [for example from asthma]

Causticum: seeing double when looking upward and after a proper examination when no reason could be found for this[ophthalmologist, neurologist]

Lachesis: loss of hair, worse during pregnancy

Rhus tox: back pain worse when trying to reach up[taking something for a high shelf or so]

Seoia: prolapse of the uterus in the afternoon

G-D willing next time, more of them